Foundations 2018-2019

One Page Website

spn.jpgThe assignment was to create a one page website including images and the color theme of our favorite TV show. My favorite TV show is Supernatural. Supernatural is a thrilling  fantasy TV show about Sam and Dean Winchester, brothers that hunt monsters. After losing their mother when they were kids to a supernatural being, their father trained them to hunt the supernatural and ever since they’ve dedicated their lives to fighting monsters; the brothers slogan “Saving people, hunting things, the family business”. The brothers constantly have to make life changing decisions and save the world. As these burdens are added to their lives, Sam and Dean always rely on each other to get through the day.

Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at 9.44.28 AMI chose the following categories for my link section: Characters, Major Events, and Supernatural Beings. I chose to focus on the characters because it’s important for people who visit my site to know some background information on Sam, Dean and other important characters. Supernatural episodes focus on a different hunting trips that Sam and Dean take, but they mostly connect to a bigger event like the end of the world. Therefore I wanted to have a “Major Events” section to discuss events that took place over the course of several episodes. Lastly, I included a “Supernatural Beings” section to talk about the different kind monsters Supernatural has, such as vampires, werewolves, and other crazy monsters. In this section, I’d also talk about important supernatural beings like Crowley, a demon who was the king of Hell.

Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at 9.44.59 AMDuring this unit, I learned several new lines of code. I learned that I can create a contact form using HTML and CSS. I’ve had experience using labels and inputs in HTML before, but I’ve never used the form tag. I also used new lines of CSS code to make this contact form. I used lines like “input[type=text], select, textarea” to add a background, border, padding, margin, and resize the text area of the contact form.


Foundations 2018-2019

Best Penzu

Screen Shot 2019-03-29 at 12.45.08 PMThis is an image of my cat, Sweetie. I took this picture Sunday, February 3 in the morning time. On Saturday I was trying to take a picture of my cat, but she wouldn’t go on the windowsill, but on Sunday I was lucky to catch her on the windowsill so I can get her in nature lighting, When I rolled up on Sweetie, she started moving and turning her back to me while I was trying to take her picture, so I had to take like 30 picture so get some good ones; I kept petting her so she would turn around and allow me to get a good picture. Later on in the day I chose the best picture and added the Noir filter for more contrast. Sweetie’s face is emphasized in this image; her face is the focal point and the background can be looked over.

Foundations 2018-2019

Social Justice Topic

A HOLC map; green areas are… blue… and yellow…

The social justice topic I chose was redlining. I was trying to pick a topic that wasn’t taken from other students in the Foundation class, therefore I was online talking about topics with Ms.B when another student mention something that made me think about redlining. Ms.B then encouraged me to chose redlining since I mentioned. As I researched more, I found out that the effects of redlining still lives on today. Redlining is the  housing segregation and discrimination of races, sexual orientation, religion, and other protected classes. In 1934, the Fair Housing Act was passed to manage the American economy during the Great Depression. The act introduced low, fixed interest rates on homes, allowed people of low-income rates to afford homes. Now, the only issue was ensuring that these people would pay their mortgage. To ensure this wouldn’t happen, the Homeowner Loan Corp. (HOLC) was established. They made residential security maps (pictured top left) to map out areas that were most to least likely to default on their 04-redlining-maps-wichita-textmortgages. These maps were color-coded based on the people living in the area; areas lined in red meant that the area was  “hazardous”  or had “foreign-born”, low class white people, and people of color living in the community. The people who lived in red lined community, weren’t more likely to not pay their mortgage, but because of redlining, it became extremely hard to buy and refinance in the area, causing landlord to abandon their property.

While the Fair Housing Act was passed to illuminate housing discrimination, redlining still affects minorities today. Today, people in neighborhoods marked with red lines 80 years ago are still struggling economically today. A study conducted by the NCRC Screenshot 2019-04-05 at 2.48.03 PMillustrates these effects. The 10 cities with the most red lined neighborhoods during the 1960s, today 8 of those cities are still “hazardous”. “Eight of those cities were in the South, including Macon, Georgia, the most red lined city in America. In Macon, 65% of neighborhoods were deemed “hazardous” and unworthy of credit. Today, 1 in 4 residents of Macon County are still below the poverty line, and that rate is 2.5 times higher among black residents.”Meisenhelter, Jesse (2018, March 27), How 1930s discrimination shaped inequality in today’s cities. 

Having affordable housing, clean communities and good public schools are basic human rights. Society should change this issue because minorities deserve to have fair housing. No community of people should have to endure neighborhoods with schools that lack resources and homes bronxRedliningMapthat are more likely to have lead in them due to urban planning. If the Fair Housing Act was actually enforced, minorities would have a better chance of life. This would lead to people of color being able to get mortgage loans easier, allowing them to live in better homes. People in neighborhoods that were redlined, and still face the effects today deserve change. I as a artist will show that the effects of redlining are significant and change needs to happen, I will illustrate this through my art collage in Foundations.


  1. For more on the effects on red lined neighborhoods 
  2. For charts and data on minorities compared to white people on HOLC maps Screenshot 2019-04-05 at 3.04.37 PM
  3. The website the image to the right is from 


Foundations 2018-2019

Elements of Design

I would describe the lines in any artwork as creative; lines in any piece of artwork create a story and are there for a reason. In the image left, the lines are creating waves. Shapes can be used to represent many different things, for instance, the circles in the artworkimage at left represents the sky and the sun (to me). The image to the bottom right shows some texture; looking at this image, you can almost feel how bumpy it is. Texture makes you feel as though you can feel the image. bumpytexture



Positive space is the main focus of the image, while negative space is the space around the object. A great example of this is the image at left. The image labeled positive space, focuses on the black object, and the negative space is the white around it. While in the second image, the design is the same, the colors have just change. This caused the negative space of the positive-negativeimage to be the white, emphasizing the two people in the image. 


Foundations 2018-2019

X-Acto Knief

xacto.jpgAn X-acto knife is a tool used for cutting things out, such as paper. The proper way to hold an x-acto knife is straight when going along the paper. You’re supposed to hold the x-acto knife when cutting straight lines as you would when cutting food with a knife.  Some other tools needed to use an x-acto knife is the cutting board, a ruler and a pencil. You must be very careful when using an x-acto knife to prevent from injuries. While using an x-acto knife, you must make sure the blade is secure into the part that holds the blade.  You must also always be aware of the blade, where the blade is, and how you’re holding it.

Foundations 2018-2019

We’re Just Human

pictoThe name of my flash story is We’re Just Human and its about two girls who battle the supernatural everyday. In my story, my protagonists, Sammy and Destiny are driving home discussing how Destiny wants to lock herself in a box to trap Michael, an archangel inside of her head. If Michael escapes Destiny’s head, he’ll continue his plans to destroy the world. Sammy doesn’t want her sister to sacrifice herself yet again for the world; the sisters always fight to find a way to save themselves and the world. The pictograph I’ve been thinking about using for my story is of the two sisters holding up the world. This idea should be easy to create on paper because the shapes (circles and ovals) are easy to draw.

Foundations 2018-2019

My Favorite Penzu Image

My favorite picture image is some flowers for the Contrast assignment. I was on my way home, and I came across a pretty flower on someone’s front lawn. I had to take this image because the flower just  stood out to me. The only thing was, it was on someone’s property and I didn’t want to trespass or pick the flower. Therefore, I put my hand between the gap of the fence and started taking pictures. I did get a weird look from IMG_2606someone passing by, but I think it was worth it for this picture. I chose to take this picture because of how vibrant the red flowers were.

Foundations 2018-2019

Artist Intent and My Opinion

George Seurat, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jane, 1884-1886

George Seurat, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jane, 1884-1886

This piece of artwork conveyed several principles of design. Observers can see that George Seurat used repetition in his artwork, this can be seen by the reoccurring colors that were used such as blue, green and brown.  George Seurat also used proximity as well, and this is conveyed with how far apart the people are from each other. Lastly, another principle of design in this piece of artwork is contrast; there’s contrast between the lighter green parts of the painting, toward the back and the dark “shaded” area in the front of the painting. I think George Seurat’s intent was to “capture the moment”; this piece of work illustrates ordinary people just relaxing on an island. Personally, I’m not a big fan of this piece of work because it doesn’t have emphasis and there’s a lot going on. The piece of artwork lacks whitespace, making the artwork look very crowded. Although, the lack of whitespace and emphasis cause me to look all over the piece and make observations.

Photograph: Courtesy The Art Institute of Chicago/Helen Birch Bartlett Memorial Collection


Foundations 2018-2019

Human Computer

Human Body Parts and Computer Parts Diagram (Dec 12- 2018 at 5-35 PM)Computers and humans are similar because they have the same functions, but they’re different because computers don’t have the same human elements, such as emotions and the ability to have human interactions. Computers were made to assist humans with thinking work, like machines were made to help with labor. This clearly leads to computers having the same components humans have, such as input, storage, processing, and output. In the diagram depicted to the right, these components are exampled. While computers are similar to humans in the way of having similar functions, what make computers different is the lack of human emotions. I’d argue that no matter ow advance computers are, and how some robots may exemplify “human emotions”, it will never be like true human emotions. This difference is significant due to the fact that there are some jobs that can’t be replaced by computers because they need human connection (such as being a care-giver for the elderly). On another note, when using a computer or what my body uses the most, I use the following parts: my heart – the computer’s power supply, my brain- the computer’s CPU, and the my face – the computer’s monitor. I don’t think people will become more mechanical in the next 10-20 years, I think we will just be very dependent on computers. I think people in the future will be more dependent on computers because there are already jobs being replace by computers because of speed and accurately, this will probably continue into the future.

Foundations 2018-2019

Peer Critique


art workThe subject matter is typography.The typeface design to the left is Serif, with a “bar” like element on the top and bottom of the letters. The typeface is very thick and most of the letters are balance; all of the letters are aligned. The artist has clear construction for this typeface. The artist used spacing technique, by numbering the sides and using S to indicate spacing. The artist has shapes inside letter like A,C and D while still having the same design throughout other letters. The artist has clear construction for this typeface. The points of emphasis is clear in the typeface design; the “bar” like feature. I like the width of the design and the serif/”bar” element. If I were in this piece of artwork, I would feel full because of the letters. This typeface reminds me a bit of my own because of the thickness of the letters. Other’s should notice not only the thickness of the letters, but the box/bar like serifs that makes the typeface unique. As far as constructive critiques, I would suggest to the artist to make the X and V thicker so it could balance the design.